Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Owls, Flacon, Eagle, and Black Vulture at the Irish Festival, Dallas, Texas

Barn Owl. These next few pictures were taken at the Irish Festival in Dallas. Although these bird pictures were not taken in the wild, I am posting them because it shows how beautiful these birds are and offer a rare up close picture of them.

Great Horned Owl, second largest owl in America. They are excellent hunters and I have seen them attack and take mice while hunting I am hunting deer. Beautiful animals. I love to hear them when I am camping. One time I was driving through a very wooded area, doing a little above the speed limit. All of a sudden in front of me I thought I saw this huge ghost coming at me in my headlights. As the "GHOST" flew by my window I realized it was a Great Horned Owl, gave me quite a scare for a moment.

This is actually a Falcon, but it is called by two names, American Kestrel Hawk, or a Sparrow Hawk. Beautiful small hawks that I see on the side of country roads.

Golden Eagle. Awesome birds, especially when you see them flying in the sky.
Black Vulture. Smaller than the Turkey Vulture it is a sight to see flying over head in bunches while waiting for the carrion to decompose further. 

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