Monday, February 29, 2016

Great Blue Heron, various locations Texas.

The Great Blue Heron. A very cool bird, he sits and just looks around like he owns the place. He will not let you get to close before flying off. Very pretty bird, common in the US. 

Great Blue Heron can conceal themselves easily and sometimes are not noticed. If you get too close they will just fly away. They fly like a stork but their necks are pulled in, and not straight out like a Stork. 

At least three Great Blue's hiding in the woods. They like to eat fish and frogs. So they stay close to streams, ponds, lakes, and rivers.
This big boy was caught in a pond/marsh of a cattle Ranch in East Texas. 
I did not notice the Blue Heron in the back ground until I put the picture on my computer. I noticed it standing in the back. They will stand very still and sometimes they are just not noticed.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Canadian Geese, various

 Canadian Geese. One of might favorite birds. I love to watch them, listen to them, and hunt them. They are very beautiful birds.  These were photographed in Texas. I have pictures of them from many states and parts of the United States.  They can be seen quite often in golf courses or fields.
These were taken one November in Illinois on a corn field. When you hunt these geese, you never see them like this! They are truly a beautiful bird. I will post many more photos of these as time goes by because I see them all over, I see them almost as much as I see Mallards.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Monk Parakeets of White Rock Lake, Dallas Texas

 These parrots are considered an invasive species to the United States. They are a very lively and beautiful bird. They are a small bright green parrot. Also known as Quakers.
 These parrots around White Rock Lake have established at least two huge nest. They have sustained themselves around the lake for over 20 years. They are decedents from escaped parrots, or as one legend has it, survivors from a crate of parrots that fell from a delivery truck.
 I have been looking for these birds for a little while. I stopped yesterday where I thought they might be and I immediately heard the sound of parrots. I have owned 4 different parrots so I recognized it right off. I looked up and high in the trees were four Monks.  They flew across a little inlet of water and I walked around it to where their nest was.
 Right before he flew off.  Although the parrots have not done anything destructive here in the Dallas area, they are banned in many states because the fear of some escaping and starting a colony that could hard crops. They are considered a pest in South America.
 I truly need to get a better telescopic lens. It is amazing that this bird can thrive so well in some of the cold Winters in North Texas. This year has been warm and I am told they are doing ver well. A police officer told me when it's warm they are all over the field and grass of the lake. I will try to get better pictures soon.
Huge nest. One little guy peering over the nest. When the electric company first started noticing these nests, they tried to tear them down but the public screamed loud and clear. Leave the nests alone. Many different families of parrots live here. They have other huge nests and are migrating to different parts of the town.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Great-tailed Grackle (Mexican Grackle), Dallas Texas

 This is a male Great-tailed Grackle. Many times it is erroneously referred to as a black bird. They are very noisy and you can find them all over the area. They frequent parking lots looking for food and 'handouts' from people. They are not that afraid of people and will get pretty close if they feel like they can get some food. 

These birds make a really cool dance when they are trying to get the attention of the females to mate.

 This is a female Great-tailed Grackle. She was looking for something to eat. They hang out in huge groups. Very vocal birds and in the summer they are very loud.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

RedShoulder Hawks, White Rock, Dallas Texas

I am not sure if these are a mating pair or siblings. One of the hawks arriving.
The Hawks looking around.

 Enjoying the view

One of the hawks flying away.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Northern Mockingbird, Dallas Texas

The state bird of Texas, the state I live in. This is a young Mockingbird. The Mockingbird can mimic other species, one Mockingbird in Maine mimicked 34 other species of birds.

This little guy was in no hurry to hunt for insects or worms. Sat at this fence for over an hour.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Eastern Wild Turkey, Ada, Michigan.

 A group of Eastern Wild Turkey crossing the road in Ada Michigan. There is 14 in the group.
Of the five species of Turkey's this is the most widely hunted turkey in the USA. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Black Swans, The Serpentine, London, England

I took these photos a few years back when I was visiting in the UK. I thought they were beautiful 

Two of the black swans in the Serpentine Lake in front of Buckingham Palace in London. Beautiful area and birds.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Dallas Texas

This little Ruby-throated Hummingbird ran into a glass door. He knocked himself out and I carried him to a bird sanctuary so they could heal him/make sure he was ok. After they checked him out for a couple of days they were to let him go. They are tiny birds and a lot of fun to look at. I should have taken more pictures of him, but I wanted to get him to the proper care. They are illegal to posses. Really cool birds.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Nephew Luke's drawing

Luke drew this of one of our pictures. Guess which one.

The Great Egret Nesting Area in Dallas Texas

 I posted a picture of a Great Egret I took in Austin, so I thought I would add these to show you how the Great Egret builds nesting areas. This by the hospital that they took President JFK after he was shot in Dallas. It is about an 8 acre area of land that is barred from any more building/construction as not to disturb the Egrets nesting area. Each white spot is a Great Egret sitting on or near a nest.

 Great Egret looking for nest building material

Sitting on a tree waiting for wind to stop blowing so it can resume building it's nest.

Great Egret taking it's "LOG" back to build it's nest.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Great Egret, Austin Texas

Great Egret sitting on branch over the Colorado River in Austin Texas near the Stevie Ray Vaughan statue.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Prothonotary Warbler, Dallas Texas

I had to zoom in and capture him as he was jumping around. They do not sit still for very long and they hide very well in the trees. This was the most open shot I could get of it, and not to clear. But it was a long shot for my camera.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Red Wing Blackbirds, East Texas

These are blackbirds who have red spots on their wings. They are considered pests in some places because they will eat seeds that the farmers plant. But they eat a lot of insects that can destroy the farmers crops.

Red Wing Blackbirds flying into a pond on a field in East Texas.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Chipping Sparrow, Mount Rushmore South Dakota

Chipping Sparrow at Mount Rushmore South Dakota. Lot of little birds around the place. People as you can see feed them often and plenty.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Red Shoulder Hawk, Texas

Red Shoulder Hawk eating a crawfish (crawdad, or mudbug). 
Giving a scream after he ate the crawfish.

Sitting there wondering what I am doing. They have great eyesight, I was about 80 yards away.

Red Shoulder Hawk flying away. I love the big birds.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Osprey, Athens Texas

A picture of an Osprey taken at Athens Texas, at a Fish Hatchery. This bird migrates through Texas and might be staying here because it's predominate food is fish. Plenty to eat here, rare sighting for inland Texas. That shadow is a stick that was in the picture. Sorry, but that was the best shot I got.