Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Monk Parakeets of White Rock Lake, Dallas Texas

 These parrots are considered an invasive species to the United States. They are a very lively and beautiful bird. They are a small bright green parrot. Also known as Quakers.
 These parrots around White Rock Lake have established at least two huge nest. They have sustained themselves around the lake for over 20 years. They are decedents from escaped parrots, or as one legend has it, survivors from a crate of parrots that fell from a delivery truck.
 I have been looking for these birds for a little while. I stopped yesterday where I thought they might be and I immediately heard the sound of parrots. I have owned 4 different parrots so I recognized it right off. I looked up and high in the trees were four Monks.  They flew across a little inlet of water and I walked around it to where their nest was.
 Right before he flew off.  Although the parrots have not done anything destructive here in the Dallas area, they are banned in many states because the fear of some escaping and starting a colony that could hard crops. They are considered a pest in South America.
 I truly need to get a better telescopic lens. It is amazing that this bird can thrive so well in some of the cold Winters in North Texas. This year has been warm and I am told they are doing ver well. A police officer told me when it's warm they are all over the field and grass of the lake. I will try to get better pictures soon.
Huge nest. One little guy peering over the nest. When the electric company first started noticing these nests, they tried to tear them down but the public screamed loud and clear. Leave the nests alone. Many different families of parrots live here. They have other huge nests and are migrating to different parts of the town.

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