Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Golden Eagles, New Mexico and Wisconsin.

Sometimes you don't get the picture you want or are hoping for. Sometimes you don't have the right lens on your camera, or the picture is there and you are just not ready. These are two different Golden Eagles.

The top two pictures are of one Eagle in Wisconsin. I saw it on a tree and I jumped out, and snapped this picture, but I did not have a telescopic lens on the camera and I just hoped it came out ok. Well it really didn't. The second picture is when he got tired of me standing there about to change lens and he flew away. Although these are not great pictures they remind me of the day that I saw this beautiful eagle and got to witness him fly away. Beautiful birds, my favorite birds are eagles.

The bottom two pictures are of a golden Eagle on his way to "lunch" at Crosbyton New Mexico. I was hunting Pronghorn when I saw this happening. The first picture I was far away and saw it flying, so I tried to capture it but did not have a telescopic lens. The second picture I noticed that it was flying to get his lunch, a ground hog that had been spied as it was running from one hole to another.

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